Road-Side Emergency Towing

Dead Battery, Out of Gas, Locked Our, Accident, Flat Tire

1968 Leghorn St, Mountain View, CA

[ Our Sister Towing Company ]

Road Side & Emergency Towing Services

We're prepared to handle any road emergency. From a dead battery or running out of gas, to flat tires and mechanical complications, we can help you.

Our trucks can carry 5 people!

One of the most important road emergency assistance that we can provide is to carry up to 5 to a safe place such as a hotel, or their home. Helping a stranded family or persons is one of our greatest priorities and satisfactions.


We help you restarting your vehicle, or we make a diagnosis. If a mechanic is needed, our partner Mountain View Radiators, with decades of auto repair experience can solve your mechanical or electrical problem.


If the light were left on and the battery is good we jump start it and recharge it. If it doesn't re-charged because it is expired or damaged we can, we can bring you a brand new one, or we can loan one until you get a new one - the important thing is that you get on the road right away!


If for any reason you run out of gas, we will bring you gas so you can be on the road again.


We have years of experience opening locked doors without damaging them. If that;s not possible, we can bring an extra key that you may have somewhere, or we can bring in a key made at a locksmith based on your lock code.


We can replace your flat tire with your spare one, or we can provide a temporary or new one. Don't worry if you don't have your spare tire, we will put you on the road again.